The story of Icelandic horses is deeply intertwined with the history of the Vikings. The Vikings, seafaring warriors and traders from Scandinavia, emerged around the late 8th century and were known for their raids and explorations across Europe, North Atlantic Islands, and even North America. They hailed from regions that are now modern-day Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
During their settlement of Iceland, around the 9th and 10th centuries, the Vikings brought with them their best horses from Scandinavia. These animals were essential for the survival and development of the new settlements in the harsh Icelandic environment. The horses were used for various purposes, including transportation, agricultural work, and as integral members of the Viking communities. Over the centuries, due to Iceland's geographical isolation, these horses bred in relative seclusion, developing into the distinct breed we know today as the Icelandic horse.
Icelandic horses are celebrated as one of the purest horse breeds in the world. For over a thousand years, there has been no crossbreeding in Iceland. This extraordinary isolation has allowed the breed to maintain its purity and unique characteristics, distinct from any other horse breed globally.
Despite their small stature, Icelandic horses are classified as horses, not ponies. This classification stems from factors beyond just size, including their build, conformation, and temperament. The International Federation for Equestrian Sports considers these aspects when categorizing equine breeds. The Icelandic horse, known for its spirited nature and strength, embodies qualities that align more with horses than ponies. This distinction is significant in the equestrian world and is a point of pride for Icelanders
Iceland offers a plethora of opportunities to ride these extraordinary horses. The horse riding tours available cater to various skill levels and provide an immersive way to experience Iceland's diverse landscapes, from volcanic terrains to serene meadows, all on the back of these sure-footed animals.
Encountering wild Icelandic horses is a unique aspect of visiting Iceland. While they are known for their friendly nature, it is essential to approach them with respect. Observing these majestic animals from a distance is advisable to maintain their natural behavior and habitat.
Torfhus Retreat offers a unique experience with wild Icelandic horses. These horses, living in harmony with the natural environment, roam freely around the retreat, allowing guests to witness their beauty and grace up close, in a respectful and unobtrusive manner.
The Icelandic horse, with its storied past and distinctive traits, offers a captivating glimpse into Iceland's history and natural beauty. From their pure lineage to their classification as horses, these animals are a symbol of Iceland's rich heritage. Whether riding through the stunning landscapes or observing wild horses, the Icelandic horse is an integral part of the Icelandic experience.
806 Selfoss,
+354 788 8868
Torfhús Hótel Ehf.
Company-ID: 540311-1450
VAT-Nr.: 133580